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Identity Security: Moving the Goal Posts

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Al Pascual explores the paradigm shift in identity management, from traditional controls to challenges posed by Web3, the Metaverse, and NFTs. Discover how identity goalposts have shifted, the new opportunities and challenges for vendors and practitioners, and what it means for the future of identity.

Identity used to be (relatively) easy. Users, networks, role-based controls and a bit of multifactor authentication. Then came digital transformation and with it new topics - new challenges - such as Web3, the Metaverse and NFTs. Paradigm shift? That's what Al Pascual says, and in this session, he discusses:

  • The old and new frontiers - what's shifted?
  • How the identity goalposts have been permanently moved
  • Opportunities and challenges for identity vendors and practitioners alike.

Here is the course outline:

Identity Security: Moving the Goal Posts