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Is New U.S. National Cybersecurity Strategy Viable?


Grant Schneider talks about new cybersecurity strategy outlines five pillars that urge more mandates on the private sector, which controls most of the nation's digital infrastructure, and an increased government role to disrupt and dismantle threat actors. The strategy has been widely praised and has garnered conversations; however, it raises several questions - who is going to pay for it and who is going to execute it?

The new cybersecurity strategy outlines five pillars that urge more mandates on the private sector, which controls most of the nation's digital infrastructure, and an increased government role to disrupt and dismantle threat actors. The strategy has been widely praised and has garnered conversations; however, it raises several questions - who is going to pay for it and who is going to execute it?

The session will cover:

  • What is the plan for implementing the national cybersecurity strategy?
  • To what extent is Congress willing to work together in a bipartisan manner to take action?
  • How likely software companies - in reality - will be held responsible for securing vulnerable products and maintaining the burden of cybersecurity.

Here is the course outline:

New U.S. National Cybersecurity Strategy: Is It Really Viable?