Chris Thomas explores how shifting consumer attitudes to fraud post-pandemic are creating new risks for e-commerce. Learn strategies to balance user experience and fraud prevention. Take action now to safeguard your business.
This session will explore the results of our unique 500+ consumer survey on why attitudes to fraud have changed since the pandemic, how that's adding new operational risk, and the long-term impact on the e-commerce and payments industry. Changing consumer behavior in e-commerce shows the pressing need for retailers to enhance the customer experience while reducing online payment fraud amid COVID-19.
You will learn:
- How changing consumer behavior has placed greater reliance on online payments since March 2020
- Why consumers are more concerned about fraud
- How e-commerce retailers can strike a delicate balance between risk appropriate friction and improve customer experience
- Where complex checkout processes dramatically impact user acquisition and loyalty
Here is the course outline:
E-Commerce, Fraud and Online Payments in a COVID-19 World |