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Exposure Management for Modern Attack Surface

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Join Kartik Shahani in an exploration of the cloud, ever expanding attack surfaces, and endpoint security.

Most organizations have been grappling with the challenge of being reactive to incidents, owing to the siloed security programs and the vendor sprawl of tools and technologies that generate unsurmountable data. This, in turn, is exposed to vulnerabilities drawing external threats. The new trends, including cloud, mobility and IoT, have only enhanced the complexities for the practitioners in bridging the silos.

The reasons could be varied, but the one that stands out is the lack of comprehensive visibility across their endpoints. This acts as a roadblock in anticipating threats, assessing risks and planning a remediation strategy in case of an attack.

How does one build this visibility and draw meaningful insight from the massive vulnerable data to reduce the exposure? Is there a framework or a platform that can help understand the exact exposure points to manage it?

Here is the course outline:

Exposure Management for Modern Attack Surface