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Enabling Business Growth in the VUCA World


Join Satyavathi Divadari, Shyam Krishnamurthy, Bastin Robin and Visagan Subburayalu in a discussion of growth and ambiguity in unprecedented times in the cybersecurity industry.

We are living in a VUCA world - a world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. As per India’s policymakers, VUCA is nothing but the AAJA world - Asthirata, which means volatility or a high rate of change; Anishchita, which means uncertainty and lack of clarity about the present and the future; Jatilata, which means complexity concerning multiple factors that impact critical decisions; and Aspashtata, which means ambiguity about the unprecedented and challenging times in the industry.

We are into 2023 and are witnessing growing chaos in the cybersecurity domain with multiple forms of attacks targeting enterprises.

What kind of conversations do the security teams need to have, what should be their strategies, and what is their focus area?

Here is the course outline:

Enabling Business Growth in the VUCA World