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The New-Age Boardrooms


Dr. Bhimaraya Metri of IIM Nagpur shares strategies for effective cybersecurity communication with boards and establishing resilient security cultures.

Security leaders face the daunting task of unlocking new strategies and tracking the next move of hackers as enterprises revisit their cybersecurity posture in light of the ever-evolving threats. But the bigger question is are these leaders effectively discussing cybersecurity with the board and establishing the need for resiliency to gain the board’s attention?


The task of the security team is to be the beacon of change in influencing the board’s attitude toward cybersecurity to enable them to support with appropriate resources.

Are CISO-board disconnects exacerbated due to lack of familiarity between them? Are security leaders communicating efficiently in the business language about the risk, reputation and resilience adorning their leadership roles?

What should the new-age boardroom’s approach be to understand cybersecurity and how can they eliminate obstacles that prevent organizations from developing a proactive security culture?

In this session, Dr. Bhimaraya Metri, director, Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, will share insights on:

  • Thinking like technologists and leaders to bridge the leadership gaps in the InfoSec world
  • Ensuring the board becomes the first line of defense
  • Crafting tactical and strategic defense plans in business language for effective communication with the board
  • Bridging the skills gap

Here is the course outline:

The New-Age Boardrooms: Are You Ready to Play the Right Defense?