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Becoming a Linux Power User is a technical skills course designed to elevate viewers to "Power User" status.
The Becoming a Linux Server Administrator covers managing Linux servers in a business environment.
The Linux Command Line show is designed to introduce viewers to working on Linux based computers using only the command line interface. This is considered the first step in learning BASH scripting as most scripts are made up of a series of CLI commands.
The Linux Essentials certification from the Linux Professional Institute is designed to showcase your foundation skills in working with the Linux operating system.
Linux for Beginners is a technical skills course designed to introduce new users to the Linux operating system.
The Linux in the Cloud series focuses on implementing the Linux operating system in a virtualized environment.
The Linux Security Techniques series introduces the viewers to the various security features found in modern Linux distributions.
In this series, Daniel and Justin take a look at some of the more advanced scripting practices. Here they will empower your scripts by taking advantage of things like Functions, Libraries, creating graphical elements, sed (Stream EDitor), gawk, and Regular Expression.
In this series, Daniel and Don walk you through the fundamentals of bash scripting in the Linux operating system. Watch here as they take you through the fundamentals like: Script file formats, running scripts, working with variables, performing arithmetic, conditional statements, loops, presenting data, taking user input, and script control.
The LPIC-1 Linux Administrator certification demonstrates a basic proficiency with the Linux operating system and the ability to perform real-world maintenance and administrative tasks.
The LPIC-2 Linux Engineer certification demonstrates an advanced proficiency with the Linux operating system and the ability to perform real-world maintenance and administrative tasks.
The LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (202-450) course is designed for IT Professionals who are seeking the LPIC-2 certification. The course covers skills required of any intermediate to advanced systems administrator who is tasked with supporting Linux in a production environment.
The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL 8) course on ITPro is designed to introduce the viewer to the RHEL operating system. In this course you will learn how to install RHEL, manage networking, configure services like NFS, harden security through features like SELinux, and support virtual machines all on top of the RHEL platform.